1.Definition of Statute
2.Meaning of Interpretation
3.General Clauses Act 1897 ***
4.Classification of Statutes ***
5.Effect of Repeal ****
6.Nosciture a Sociis
7.Ejusdem Generis ***
8.Preamble *****
9.Strict Positive Interpretation ****
10.Harmonious Construction ****
11.Golden Rule of Interpretation ****
12.Mischief Rule ****
13.Grammatical Rule of Interpretation ***
14.Interpretation Clause
15.Non Obstacle Clause ***
16.Construction **
17.Differentiate Interpretation and Construction ***
18.Literal Construction **
19.Logical Construction **
20.Stare Decisis **
21.Beneficial Construction **
22.Statute must be Read as Whole ***
23.Statutes in pari Material ***
24.Plain Meaning Rule ***
25.Interpretation of Procedural Law ***
26.Taxing Statute or ( Interpretation of Taxing Statute) ***
27.Penal Statute ***
28.Legislative Debates
*** or Parliamentary Debates ***
29.Rule of Severability *
30.Finality Clauses Statute *
31.Interpretation of Fiscal Statute *
32.Interpretation of Adjective Law *
33.Legislative History *
34.Amending statute or Effect of Amendment of Statute *
35.Substantive Laws or Interpretation of Substantive
Legislation *
36.Parent Act *
37.Public Policy *
38.Casus Omissus *
39.Consolidation Statutes *
40.Implied Repeal *
Essay Questions
1.Explain the Rules of Construction under the General Clauses
Act 1897. ***
2.Enumerate the External Aids to Statutory Interpretation.
3.Enumerate the Internal Aids to Statutory Interpretation.
4.Write a Critical note on Strict Construction of Penal
Statutes. ****
5.Discuss different types of Presumptions that can be raised
in the context of statutory Interpretation. ****
6.What is Golden Rule of Interpretation . How it is Different
from Grammatical rule. ***
7.Explain Mischief Rule. ***
8.What are the ways by which a conflict between parent
Legislation and Subordinate Legislation can be Resolved. ****
9.What is the Rule in Heydon’s case? Explain how far it is followed by Indian Courts? **
10.What are the various Presumptions in regard to Taxing
Statute . ****
11.What is Beneficial Construction made Generally? Explain
with decided Cases ? **
12.What are the methods Interpreting Procedural Law. **
13.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Literal Interpretation.
14.How statutes can be classified for the purpose of
Interpretation. **
15.Explain the Methods of Interpreting Subjective and
Adjective Law. **
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