1.International Custom   *** or Custom as a Source of International law
2.Dejure Recognition  ****
3.Codification of International Law ***
4.Extradition ****
5.Modes of acquiring State Territory  ***
6.ICC (or) International Criminal Court ***
6.IMF  ****
7.WTO ****
8.UNESCO ***
9.Defacto Recognition  ***
10.Formation of International Treaties ***
11.Termination of International Treaties  *******
12.Asylum / Extraterritorial Asylum ****
13.Right to Asylum  ***
14.Chicago Convention or Chicago Convention 1944 ***
15.State Succession  ***
16.State Recognition   ***
17.Innocent Passage ***
18.Double Criminality   ***
19.Outer Space Treaty   ***

20.Nottebohm’s Case   ***
21.Partial Succession   ***
22.Principles of UN  ***
23.Purposes of UN ***
24.Nationality / Double Nationality ***
25.Freedom’s of High Seas ****
26.International Delinquency ***
27.Reservation in a Treaty ***
28.Legal Regime of Airspace***
29.Legal Regime of Outerspace  ***
30. Five Freedoms of Air ****
31. Veto / Double Veto ***
32 Prescription   **

35.Specific Adoption Theory
36.Security Counsel
37. Plebicite
38.Clean State Theory
39.Transformation Theory
40.Pacta Sunt Snrvenda
41.Specialized Agencies
42.Continental Shelf

Essay Questions:
1.Discuss the main Sources of International Law. ****

2.Discuss the relationship between International law and Municipal Law. ***

3.Explain powers , functions and Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court.  ***

4.What are the different modes of acquiring of State Territory.  ***

5.Explain the salient features of Chicago Convention on aerial Navigation ?   ***

6.Explain the salient features of Outer space Treaty , 1967.  ***

7.Discuss the role of UN Security Council in the maintenance of International Peace and Security. ***

8.Critically examine the Powers , functions and Composition of the General Assembly. ***

9.What are the privileges and Immunities of Diplomatic Envoys under International law.  ***

10.Discuss the salient features of the law of the Sea Convention 1982. ***

11.Explain the term ‘ State Recognition ‘. Discuss the different consequences of Recognition.  ***

12.Define Nationality. Examine the effect of ICJ decision in NOTTENBOHM’S case on the law 
relating to Nationality.  ***

13.Discuss the Rights of States in Exclusive Economical Zone. Or Discuss EEZ and discuss rights of coastal states in the EEZ ***

14.Explain the legal principles relating to State Succession. **

15. What are the causes for the failure of league of Nations.  *

16.Is Individual a Subject of International Law ? *

17.Critically examine the ‘ Common Heritage of Mankind ‘.  *

18.Examine future and Trends of International law. *

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